By Admin May 15, 2024

20+ Ways You Can Harness Chatbot Builders

20+ Ways You Can Harness Chatbot Builders

The world is evolving with AI. Today, you can set up automated systems to execute daily activities that involve humans. Chatbots are an example. For simplicity, a chatbot is a computer program that simulates humans, to engage in conversations with humans.   

Alternatively, a chatbot builder is a software tool that allows you to create chatbots without requiring extensive coding knowledge. It provides a user-friendly interface, often with drag-and-drop functionality and pre-built templates, to simplify the chatbot development process. 

This blog post explores twenty innovative ways you can deploy chatbot builders to automate your marketing, daily activities, projects, or goals.

Brief History of Chatbot Builders to Date 

Chatbots have significantly changed. Early chatbots were simple text-based programs with limited capabilities. Today, chatbots can understand natural language, integrate with various platforms, and even leverage AI for more engaging interactions.

For example, the 1960s-1990s saw the birth of text-based chatbots like ELIZA and the rise of real-time chat systems like Multi-user Dungeon (MUDs). However, building these systems often requires programming knowledge. 

From the 1990s-2000s, chatbots with simple graphical interfaces emerged, but their capabilities were limited by keyword matching and basic decision trees. 

Specialization and Limited Code emerged in the 2000s through 2010. This is when Chatbots became specialized for specific tasks, like customer service and entertainment. And tools like AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) allowed some chatbot creation without extensive coding.

In 2010, no-code builders emerged. They paved the way for anyone to build chatbots using user-friendly chatbot builders with drag-and-drop interfaces. To date, more chatbot builders such as Droxy AI have evolved. 

Types of Chatbot Builders 

Chatbot builders are built for different needs and technical abilities. As much as they have become invaluable tools for businesses of all sizes, streamlining communication and automating tasks, selecting the right one can be daunting. There are two major types of chatbot builders:

1. Code-Based Chatbot Builders

These builders offer ultimate control and customization for developers comfortable with programming languages. However, they require technical expertise, limiting accessibility for non-technical users.

Examples include Microsoft Bot Framework (.NET), and Rasa Stack (Python).

2. No-Code Chatbot Builders

No-code chatbot builders are the game-changers, making chatbot creation accessible to everyone, regardless of technical background. In most cases, you only need to drag, drop, and enter prompts. 

Examples include Droxy AI, Chatfuel (Facebook Messenger), ManyChat (multi-platform), and Wix Chat (Wix websites).

Examples of No-code Chatbot Builders in 2024

We’ve explored the evolution of chatbot builders, highlighting their crucial role in shaping conversational AI. Now, it’s time to review some seamless no-code Chatbot builders. Several no-code chatbot builders exist such as Chatbot Builder AI, Landbot, SendPulse, but we will consider Droxy AI and My Chatbots AI as prime examples. 

1. Droxi AI

What is Droxy AI?

Droxy AI is an AI tool that allows you to create chatbots without writing code. 

Watch this video to learn how to use the tool.

Droxy AI Pricing 

Droxy AI is a free Chatbot builder. But it also offers the following annual plans:

  • Basic plan at $16/month 
  • Professional plan at $49/month 
  • Advanced plan at $80/month 
  • Enterprise plan at $240/month 

Key Features of Droxy AI 

  • Content Flexibility 
  • Customizable Look and Persona
  • One-click Chatbot Sharing 
  • Website Integration 
  • Discord Integration 
  • Droxy General Chat
  • Chat with individual resources
  • Generate Content with Droxy Editor

How to use Droxy AI

  1. Sign Up and Log In
  2. Create a Project
  3. Define the Intents
  4. Create Utterances
  5. Define the Entities 
  6. Build a Dialog Flow
  7. Train Your Chatbot
  8. Test Your Chatbot
  9. Deploy Your Chatbot
  10. Monitor and Update

Visit Droxy AI to start for free.

2. My ChatBot AI

MyChatbots.AI is an AI Chatbot tool that helps you create, train, and chat with smart AI Chatbots using your data. It can be used for both personal and business purposes. 

My ChatBot AI Pricing

  • Basic plan at $9/month 
  • Professional plan at $29/month 

Key Features of My ChatBot AI

  • Intelligent AI Chatbots
  • Advanced Conversations
  • Comprehensive Messaging
  • Efficient File Management
  • Real-Time Feedback

How to Use My ChatBot AI

  • Create AI Chatbots tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Upload and manage your data to train your AI Chatbots for personalized conversations.
  • Start conversations and chat with your AI Chatbots. 

Visit My Chatbots AI to start. 

Who Needs a Chatbot?

Anyone looking to leverage conversational AI to improve customer service, streamline processes, or enhance communication needs a chatbot. You can build a chatbot by using seamless no-code chatbot builders. 

20+ Ways You Can Harness Chatbot Builders

A wide range of individuals, businesses, organizations, as well as startups can benefit from using chatbot builders to build their chatbots. These are some of the ways, and the key groups that can harness chatbot builders: 

1. Businesses and Startups 

a. Customer Service: Chatbots can provide 24/7 support, immediately respond to inquiries, answer your FAQs, and handle simple requests, freeing up human agents for more complex inquiries. 

b. Lead Generation and Sales: Chatbots can qualify your leads, answer product questions, and guide users through the sales funnel. 

c. Personalized Marketing: Chatbots can deliver targeted marketing messages and promotions based on your user preferences, increasing marketing ROI.

d. Internal Use: Chatbots can be used for employee onboarding, virtual training, and internal communication.

e. Task Automation: Chatbots can handle repetitive tasks like upselling, downselling, appointment scheduling, order tracking, and order fulfillment.

f. Data Collection and Insights: Chatbots can collect valuable user data that can be used to improve products, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience.

g. Offer a Personalized Experience: Chatbots can provide personalized greetings and recommendations based on user information.

2. Educators and Coaches 

a. Automated Client Onboarding: Chatbots can streamline your client’s onboarding process, collecting information, scheduling sessions, and delivering introductory materials.

b. Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: Chatbots can help your clients goals, track progress, and provide reminders, keeping them accountable and motivated.

c. Personalized Content Delivery: Chatbots can deliver personalized coaching content based on your client’s specific needs and progress.

d. Administrative Tasks: Chatbots can handle routine tasks like scheduling appointments, distributing assignments, or collecting feedback. 

e. Catering to Diverse Learning Styles: Chatbots can provide learning materials in different formats (text, audio, video) to cater to diverse learning styles.

f. Practice and Feedback: Chatbots can create interactive practice sessions with revision, mock exams, flashcards, or simulations, offering immediate feedback and personalized guidance.

g. 24/7 Q&A Assistant: Chatbots can act as virtual tutors, answering students’ questions outside class hours, reinforcing concepts, and providing personalized support.

3. Content Creators and Influencers 

Content creators and influencers can leverage chatbots in several creative ways to build their communities, promote and distribute content, engage audiences, and potentially even generate revenue. 

a. 24/7 Engagement: Chatbots can build a community by answering frequently asked questions, offering greetings and updates, and keeping the conversation going even when the influencer is offline. This fosters a sense of constant connection with the audience.

b. Personalized Interactions: Chatbots can greet fans by name, recommend content based on past preferences, and create a more interactive experience.

c. Promote Content with Automated Notifications: Chatbots can notify subscribers about new content releases, live streams, or exclusive events, ensuring they stay in the loop.

d. Engage in Interactive Content Exploration: Chatbots can guide fans through a content library, suggest relevant videos or articles, and personalize the content discovery process.

e. Engage in Chat Commerce: Chatbots can integrate with e-commerce platforms, allowing fans to purchase merchandise or sponsored products directly within the chatbot conversation.

f. Brand Partnership: Chatbots can qualify leads for brand partnerships, collect valuable audience insights, and demonstrate the influencer’s reach to potential sponsors.

g. Subscription Services: Chatbots can offer exclusive content, early access perks, or personalized recommendations through a paid subscription model.

5. Individuals and Non-Profits

a. Personal Assistants: Chatbots can serve as personal assistants by scheduling appointments, setting reminders, and managing tasks.

b. Educational Tools: Chatbots can provide interactive learning experiences or answer questions related to a specific topic.

c. Community Engagement: Chatbots can be used for community outreach, providing information, and facilitating communication.

d. Event Planning: Chatbots can answer questions about events, register attendees, or provide updates.

The Future of Chatbot Builders 

AI Library predicts AI-powered builders will simplify chatbot creation, making them even more accessible shortly. Advanced features like sentiment analysis and personalization will become standard. Integration across platforms like voice assistants and wearables will create seamless omnichannel experiences. Focus on explainable AI will build trust and transparency in chatbot interactions and Chatbot builders will transform into conversation design hubs, optimizing workflows beyond just building.

What do you predict? Leave a comment below.

Chatbot Builders FAQs 

1. What is a chatbot builder platform?

A chatbot builder platform is a software service that provides the tools and functionalities to create chatbots. These platforms can be no-code, AI-powered, or cater to specific platforms like WhatsApp.

2. What is a free chatbot builder?

Many chatbot builders offer free plans with basic features. These plans are a good way to experiment with chatbot creation and see if they fit your needs. However, features like advanced analytics or integrations might require paid subscriptions.

3. What is an AI chatbot builder?

An AI chatbot builder leverages artificial intelligence features like natural language processing (NLP) to create more intelligent and conversational chatbots. These chatbots can understand user intent, respond more naturally, and even learn and adapt over time.

4. What is the best chatbot builder?

There’s no single “best” chatbot builder. The ideal choice depends on your needs, technical skills, and budget. Consider factors like features offered, ease of use, platform integrations, and pricing when making your decision.

5. Are there free chatbot builders?

Yes, several chatbot builders offer free plans with basic functionalities. These can be a great starting point, but keep in mind you might need to upgrade to a paid plan for advanced features or higher usage limits.

6. What is a no-code chatbot builder?

No-code chatbot builders allow you to create chatbots without needing to write any code. They typically use drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components, making them accessible to anyone, regardless of technical background.

7. What is a free no-code bot builder?

Several no-code chatbot builders offer free plans, allowing you to experiment with building basic chatbots. Upgrading to paid plans might unlock additional features, functionalities, or higher usage limits.

8. What is a WhatsApp bot builder?

A WhatsApp bot builder is a tool that allows you to create chatbots specifically for interaction on the WhatsApp messaging platform. These builders often provide features like message templates, quick replies, and integration with other tools to manage your WhatsApp communication effectively.